Ex-MEGADETH Guitarist MARTY FRIEDMAN: What I Did On My Recent Japanese Trip
July 28, 2002Former MEGADETH guitarist Marty Friedman has just returned from a short Japanese trip where he conducted a couple of clinics and made several other public appearances.
"I just co-hosted this awesome HM/HR annual contest with Heavy Metal God Masa Ito in Tokyo," Friedman wrote on his official web site. "It was amazing! 1200 kids showed up (invitation only) and these maniac fans know more about heavy metal and hard rock than you can imagine! I announced some of the questions and chatted with my good friend Masa. I was honored to be asked to co-host the event because in the 11 years that this has been going on, I was the first and only artist to appear with Masa during this wild contest. Thanks, bro!
"The same day as Masa Ito's event I did a mini-live in Tokyo with my friend and bassist Masaki (ANIMETAL/ANIMETAL LADY). We played only 4 songs but it was sure fun to play for my friends in Japan again."